Sunday, March 30, 2014

Master Degrees in Analytics and Informatics Are in Very High Demand.

Is there a specific type of grad school degree that is in really high demand? The Chronicle of Education says that people with Master degrees in analytics and informatics are in extremely high demand ( ). These jobs require a combination of statistical know-how, computer skills, and an analytical mind-set that equips the worker to understand, interpret, and communicate "what all that data means". Much of our economy is now technology and data driven, and as a result people with these type of advanced skills/degrees are needed, but at the same time there is also a high level of demand for places in these analytics and informatics graduate degree programs. People in our economy often have to compete for their jobs with overseas workers who may be willing to work for much less money. Clearly it would benefit America if its workforce can advance its skills into jobs that are relevant to the new more advanced and competitive global economy. Obviously the generation of "big data", and the resulting need to analyze and use the data, is an opportunity to create such advanced jobs in America. One major way for people to get into these jobs is through the avenue of earning an advanced graduate degree in analytics or informatics. Obviously the need for advanced data analysis will not go away, so these types of jobs should continue to be available for a long time. A study, cited in the article from the Chronicle of Higher Education, predicts "a work-force gap of 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to decipher and translate data patterns for decision-making". There are such technology degree programs online, and advanced technology degree are listed on my online graduate degree directory website's "Technology degrees" page:

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