Thursday, July 3, 2014
Are MOOC Primarily a Source of Cheap Post-graduate Professional Development Education?
Link to Georgetown University Online Master of Science in Finance
Can Consortiums Help Universities Avoid Price Gouging and Excessive Costs as Educational Technology Advances?
As the evolution of educational technology proceeds, universities will have to anticipate the implications on costs and competition. For example, consider this story in the Chronicle of Higher Education on alleged price gouging on electronic textbooks.
In my opinion there is a tendency in modern technology marketplaces for users to seek "the standard", thereby facilitating greater standardization but also enabling the owner of the new standard to collect monopolistic revenue. I think that kind of phenomenon accounts in part for how the price gouging can take place.
The Chronicle has also recently reported that three leading universities are forming an online course technology consortium, and that could help them avoid being caught up in monopolistic technology binds. That story is at . Perhaps by banding together the universities can avoid being hammered by price-gouging and other nonproductive cost increases.
(If you need info about specific online graduate degree programs I hope you will consider using my website at> . )Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I Added and Updated Certain Free Links at
Obama Proposed Student Loan Repayment Reforms That May Benefit Graduate Students
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Master Degrees in Analytics and Informatics Are in Very High Demand.
By the way, I do have a BlogSpot photo blog at
Research Show Big Earning Benefits From Earning a Graduate Degree, But The Amount Varies With The Student's Field
Those with bachelor degrees in "Health and Medical Preparatory" averaged 190% more earnings when they had a graduate degree, and those with bachelor degrees in "Miscellaneous Social Sciences" averaged 134% more. However, those with bachelor degrees in Psychology/Social Work averaged only 43% more; those in Health, 50%; in Business, 40%; and in Education, 33%. In a few fields, such as Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Studio Arts, and Petroleum Engineering the boost from a graduate degree was very small (in the single digits).
Once you earn a graduate degree it essentially “lasts" for the rest of your career, and you continue to benefit from it for all those years, so, it is very likely to be worth your while to earn the graduate degree money-wise. When you consider the how much you learn, the increase in academic prestige, it is easy to see how earning a graduate degree can really help you.
In a prior post I mentioned that liberal arts majors are particularly likely to benefit from a graduate degree. A study by the Association of American Colleges and Universities found that liberal arts majors make significantly less than professional majors when just out of college, but the liberal arts major’s median salaries are similar to those with the other majors if the liberal arts majors got a graduate degree. The Chronicle of Higher Education article is at .
I have a similar post on the blog of my website (My website is a direcotry to online graduate degree programs):
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Harvard and MIT Are Making EdX MOOC Data Available for Research
Competency-based Degree Programs are Ready for a Surge?
Newly Added to My Website: Online Master Degrees In Healthcare Informatics, Human Resources, Nursing, and Health Science.
All the graduate degree programs presented on my website ( ) are online degree programs from regionally accredited institutions.
Has Your Website Been ... De-deprecated??
Monday, January 20, 2014
Credit for MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Program Stalls
Friday, January 10, 2014
Recent Additions to my Find Your Online Graduate School Website.
I also recently added links to the American University . Long ago I lived in the Washington, DC area and I was familiar with American University, which is very well known in that area. The online degree programs I list on my website for them are Master degrees in Strategic Communication, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. There is also a Graduate Certificate in Project Monitoring and Evaluation. IMO someone who is working for the federal government in the DC area might benefit hugely from earning their Master from American University since it does have that positive profile and reputation in the National Capitol region.